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magnus-tenk - 1/19/2011 12:19:56 PM
Confused about filters and datalists
I have adapted the custom filter web part (from the KB) to suit my needs, but I am a bit confused with the application of it to various lists

If I Link a BasicDataList to DocumentsDataSource to MyFilter everything works like a charm. It filters the content of the BasicDataList as expected.

Unfortunately BasicDataList don't have paging, so I used a Datalist instead assigning it MyFilter as a Content Filter.
Now it doesn't matter how I try to change the "WHERE" clause of the filter. The DataList always return all items.

What Am I doing wrong here? I cant seem to get a working combination using both Filter and Paging in a List/Repeater


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kentico_michal - 1/20/2011 4:00:31 AM
RE:Confused about filters and datalists
Hi Magnus

If you want to use the combination of standard repeater it datalist and custom filter, you need to ensure that the custom filter inherits from CMSAbstractDataFilterControl class.

So, could you please check this class?

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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magnus-tenk - 1/20/2011 2:00:33 PM
RE:Confused about filters and datalists
Indeed I inherited from the wrong class, now it works perfectly. Thank you for putting me on the right track.