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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding View modes: 
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magnus-tenk - 1/3/2011 2:44:09 PM
Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding
I have no idea if the change of Default culture on the site has anything to do with it, but anyway.. I swapped default culture from en-US to sv-SE and Smart Search analyzer for CorporateSite.CustomTable to Stop with Swedish Stopwords.

Index status: Error

5.5R2 with Fix 2
Any ideas?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 1/4/2011 4:09:49 AM
RE:Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding

Is there some related error message in the event log? (Site Manager - Administration - Event log)?

Could you please check if you grant write permission to ~/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/<index code name>/ folder, so that the search index could be created on the file system?

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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magnus-tenk - 1/7/2011 8:51:20 AM
RE:Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding
Here is the Event log for the failed Index build. I tried to remove the word 'har' from the Swedish dictionary file (there was a single entry not a duplicate) I still get the same error message.


Event ID: 447
Event type: Error
Event time: 1/3/2011 10:24:44 PM
Source: Smart search
Event code: REBUILD
IP address:

Description: Message: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'har' Key being added: 'har'
Stack Trace:
at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add)
at Lucene.Net.Analysis.WordlistLoader.GetWordSet(TextReader reader)
at Lucene.Net.Analysis.WordlistLoader.GetWordSet(FileInfo wordfile)
at Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer..ctor(FileInfo stopwords)
at CMS.SiteProvider.SearchIndexInfo.GetAnalyzer()
at CMS.SiteProvider.SearchIndexInfo.GetWriter(Boolean create)
at CMS.SiteProvider.SearchHelper.Rebuild(SearchIndexInfo srchInfo, String cultures, List`1 sites, Hashtable allowedNodes, Hashtable excludedNodes, Boolean fullRebuild)
at CMS.SiteProvider.SearchHelper.Rebuild(SearchIndexInfo srchInfo)

Machine name: DEFIANT
Event URL:
URL referrer:
User agent:

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ivanat - 1/10/2011 3:58:53 AM
RE:Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding

could you please tell me if you have upgraded from 5.5 version or installed default 5.5R2 version? There was a bug in 5.5 version where default stop words contain the same expressions several time. But in default 5.5R2 installation this bug was fixed.

Could you please double check if the file
~/App_Data/CMSModules/SmartSearch/_StopWords/Swedish.txt does not contain the word "har" several times?

Thank you in advance for information.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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magnus-tenk - 1/19/2011 12:06:40 PM
RE:Swapped Culture on Site, selected Swedish Stopwords and get error rebuilding
Thank you for your input. The following words have duplicates in the shipped Swedish stopwords list. This is most certainly because some of our accented characters have "lost" their accents.

har = här
var = vår
vara = våra
vart = vårt
