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magnus-tenk - 1/3/2011 1:19:00 PM
Recommendations for category specific product fields?
Hi Guys. I'm sure that I just fail to see the obvious solution, it wouldn't be the first time :)

I have a product category with 150+ SKU's and I want to have a common description field, that preferably I can let ppl with only CMSDesk access to change.

How do I solve this in a smart way?


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magnus-tenk - 1/3/2011 2:04:21 PM
RE:Recommendations for category specific product fields?
In a perfect world I would like to have this as a inheritance solution. Lets say that I have a category image and a product image then I would like to have a checkbox for inheritance. In psuedo code something like

If Inherit == true {
if Product Field is null {
use Category Field


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kentico_michal - 1/5/2011 3:08:02 AM
RE:Recommendations for category specific product fields?

To be honest I am not sure if I understand what exactly you want to accomplish.
Could you please describe this in more detail?
Do you have a custom document type with two image fields (product and category)?
Do you want to use Product field instead of Category field in transformation when Inherit property is set to true?

Anyway, Kentico CMS does not support inheritance between document types fields. But there is Attribute default value property that allows you to predefine value for particular field.

Best regards,
Michal Legen

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magnus-tenk - 1/7/2011 9:28:43 AM
RE:Recommendations for category specific product fields?
I think i confused things by using the word 'inheritance', and I should probably post this question under Suggestions really.

I have many products that have common properties but different SKU's.

I understand the basic idea of Kenticos way is that the Document type/Product-Fields is meant to contain the common properties and that the individualization is done through the product options.

I will look into options again to see if I can shoehorn it to work for us. What I really would want is that Kentico offered Three levels of "fields" for a product.

ProductClass - Product - Option. All editable from CMS Desk (not site manager)

I use 'ProductClass' as a shorter way of refering to a 'Document Type that is of Product Type


I sell 3 different type of Cats, Black, Brown and Red, each with an own SKU. They all have the same "Maintenance instructions"

Again i think this post might need to be moved to the "New Features" as a request.

I would want "User Fields" on the Document Type Level, that can be edited with CMS Desk authentication, by the content editor. So that they can update instructions, pictures, generic text and what not... that are common to all SKU's of that Document Type (ProductClass)

I think this would be a nice complement to your current implementations of Product Options.

Given that we shake our natural fear of redundant data, one could of course implement this solution on the Product:Fields level... If one just had a way to batch update attributes for an entire Product Class. Ugly in terms of Database denormalization but a pragmatic solution.


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kentico_michal - 1/28/2011 3:59:56 AM
RE:Recommendations for category specific product fields?

Thank you for your suggestion and ideas. We will consider it for one of the future versions of Kentico CMS.

Best regards,
Michal Legen