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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Related Documents - Diplaying Teaser Image View modes: 
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michael-thefamousgroup.com - 2/7/2011 8:20:58 PM
Related Documents - Diplaying Teaser Image

We have set up a Related Documents web part and in the display transformation we want it to show the name of the page that is related as well as a thumbnail image associated with that page.

We have the related document name/url displaying perfectly but we can't seem to get the teaser image of the related document to display as the thumbnail.

On the the page that is to be the related document we have uploaded a teaser image under the form tab of that page.

In the transformation of the Related Documents web part we have tried a range of transformations but they all don't display the image. They display a little blue box with a question mark when viewed in the CMS – which has a url like this http://my.url/getattachment/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/Pan-Connectors.aspx?height=150&width=200):

We are assuming the correct transformation is <%# GetImage("MenuItemTeaserImage") %> as the related documents are all standard menu pages.

We have tried other transformations also without luck.

Please can you tell me how we can display the teaser image of a menu page within the Related Documents web part.

Many thanks

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 2/9/2011 12:27:44 PM
RE:Related Documents - Diplaying Teaser Image

This issue is caused by our Related Documents webpart. Its functionality is limited a bit, and therefore I would recommend you using standard Repeater webpart instead. You will choose Path, Transformation and Document types properties as usual, and in addition, you'll choose Display documents related to the current document option and set Main document is on the left side to true within Relationships section of webpart properties.

This way your Repeater will show related documents' field values just fine.

Hope this helps you.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil