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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > New & editing pages datatypes View modes: 
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Chanan - 2/7/2011 3:05:00 PM
New & editing pages datatypes

I haven't found documentation or examples of what New, Editing, Editing form, preview & List page do in the datatype properties. If they do what I think they may do, I will need to use them. Can someone please explain those and maybe give a short example?


PS - Maybe also update the documentation :)

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/9/2011 5:23:37 AM
RE:New & editing pages datatypes

The meanings of fields in some forms in the UI are usually described in the context help (when you click the green question mark icon on the upper right hand side).

These fields are used to specify custom forms (new document, edit document etc. of given type):

New page: URL of the page that will be used for creating new documents of this type.
Editing page: URL of the editing page that will be used when the document is displayed in the editing mode, using the Page tab.
Editing form: URL of the editing page that will be used when the document is displayed in the editing mode, using the Form tab.
Preview page: URL of the editing page that will be used when the document is displayed in the preview mode.
List page: URL of the editing page that will be used when the document is displayed in the list mode.

Moreover, in newer version you can also use automatically used alternative forms.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Chanan - 2/9/2011 5:47:31 AM
RE:New & editing pages datatypes
Yes, I read the context help as well which is how I figured out that I might need that feature. The help is not very helpful in this case because all it is doing is repeating the field name in a the form of a longer sentence. What is needed in this case is an example.

Although telling me that I need to implement an Alternative Form to use this feature is a good start, but questions still remain.

For example:

1. The urls above talk about cms desk - how do I make this work on the website UI
2. How does the user return to the main page (i.e. if a user clicks Edit on content) - when they are in the UI and not in CMS Desk.

My problem is that the wiki functionality the way it is not is not a good experience for our end users. We would like to provide a better and more integrated into our site UI for Adding and Editing articles on our site. We were hoping that these fields are the answer to that.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/15/2011 11:00:00 AM
RE:New & editing pages datatypes

I am sorry but I think that I am not following you right now.

1) What you mean by web site UI? Do you mean the live site? Have you checked the user contributions module? In the contribution web parts, you can use alternative forms for given document type and style its design according to your needs.

2) I do not understand what you want to achieve - in our meaning the UI - user interface is the CMS Desk or Site Manager interface. What you mean when user clicks Edit on content? Where the user will click it?

The fields mentioned above are applied just for the user interface in CMS Desk as described in their description - on the Page or Form tab.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Chanan - 2/16/2011 5:56:26 AM
RE:New & editing pages datatypes
Hi Juraj,

Yes, I do mean in the Wiki/User contributions. The issue is I would like to replace the Add/Edit form.

Thanks, The Alternative forms is a step in the right direction and I think I will need to use that as a fall back if the "better" approach takes longer to develop that I would hope.

The problem with the Alternative form is that it still lives inside a "frame" that I have little control over. CSS may fix some of it, but I am not sure if it can match the design that are creative team wants to achieve. Functionally there may also be things we wouldn't be able to do such as adding other datatypes at the same time (i.e. An article along with its References which are "sub" datatypes of the article).

I think we will need to create a webpart or ASPX template that will use the API to insert the node of the article and its references manually. We will fall back to the alternative form if that proves too hard to do prior to the launch of our site.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/22/2011 8:18:05 AM
RE:New & editing pages datatypes

I am sorry for the delay.

In this case, it would be easier to create custom web part or control as you mentioned, using our API to create and update documents - you will have more options how to handle the layout you want to achieve.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus