Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Filter for Search Box Webpart View modes: 
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casey-catalysis - 2/23/2011 5:22:13 PM
Filter for Search Box Webpart
I'm having issues trying to use a "smart search filter" with the "search box" web part. I have two pages:
A landing page which has both a search box webpart, as well as a search filter.
A results page which has its own search dialog, search filter, and search results web parts

The filter web parts on these two pages contain identical values, and then The landing page search box "Search results page URL" parameter is set to the results page.

I'd like to be able to send the filter settings on the landing page to the filter on the search results page. As it is now, the filter on the landing page does nothing; a user can select multiple items on that filter and search, but only the search term entered in from the search box is sent in the query string to the results page.

I know I probably have to create a custom web part for this, or at least expand on the existing search box or filter webpart, so I'm looking for a little guidance.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 3/1/2011 11:13:16 AM
RE:Filter for Search Box Webpart

Regrettably, there's no easy way to do this. Those three controls need to be on one page to work. However, you can create such a behavior by searching twice. Once on the landing page and once on the results page with the same input.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko