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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Bulk Move / Delete View modes: 
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K-Guy - 3/24/2011 11:58:29 AM
Bulk Move / Delete
I have a folder full of images I'd like to move to another location in the content tree. Is there a way I can select and move the files all at once instead of one at a time? It's quite tedious doing it one at a time, especially because a) the nodes of the tree structure snap shut after every move (which means I have to navigate back to the source folder every time) and b) I have to navigate to the destination folder each time, because the 'move' window doesn't 'remember' the last folder I was working with.

Is there a file manager somewhere that I haven't found?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 3/24/2011 1:32:30 PM
RE:Bulk Move / Delete

Yes, it is possible to perform these actions for documents in your content tree.

You can do it in List mode in CMSDesk (where 4 main tabs are available: Edit, Preview, Live site and List). In List mode, you can choose multiple documents and choose Move / Delete action. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik