Good evening,
I have a little problem with checkout process on GlobalAdministrator user. In e-commerce configuration, i´ve deleted some delivery possibilty. And then, when I was trying to buy some product, there was an Server Erro in / Application! It looks like this:
[DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: UPDATE COM_Customer SET [CustomerFirstName] = @CustomerFirstName, [CustomerLastName] = @CustomerLastName, [CustomerEmail] = @CustomerEmail, [CustomerPhone] = @CustomerPhone, [CustomerFax] = @CustomerFax, [CustomerCompany] = @CustomerCompany, [CustomerUserID] = @CustomerUserID, [CustomerPreferredCurrencyID] = @CustomerPreferredCurrencyID, [CustomerPreferredShippingOptionID] = @CustomerPreferredShippingOptionID, [CustomerCountryID] = @CustomerCountryID, [CustomerEnabled] = @CustomerEnabled, [CustomerPrefferedPaymentOptionID] = @CustomerPrefferedPaymentOptionID, [CustomerStateID] = @CustomerStateID, [CustomerGUID] = @CustomerGUID, [CustomerTaxRegistrationID] = @CustomerTaxRegistrationID, [CustomerOrganizationID] = @CustomerOrganizationID, [CustomerDiscountLevelID] = @CustomerDiscountLevelID, [CustomerCreated] = @CustomerCreated, [CustomerLastModified] = @CustomerLastModified WHERE [CustomerID] = @CustomerID: caused exception: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_COM_Customer_CustomerPreferredShippingOptionID_COM_ShippingOption". The conflict occurred in database "msware_www", table "dbo.COM_ShippingOption", column 'ShippingOptionID'.
The statement has been terminated.
Is there any way how to fix this problem?
It is little bit strange, becouse on others user accounts checkout process works without problems...
I got an idea about some SQL command to Site Manager - Develepment - System Tables - Ecommerce customer - delete, but I´m noob and I worry about it.
Thank you for answers!