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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Workflow emails View modes: 
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Nicola - 4/17/2011 8:25:06 PM
Workflow emails
Is there a way of configuring workflow emails to only send to the approvers of the next step in the workflow and not all users who have the 'managed workflow' permission?

Currently workflow is set up with different roles for each step but everyone is receiving the workflow emails.

We want users to be able to add comments through the Properties > Workflow area which seems to be restricted if the 'managed workflow' permission is removed for that role.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 4/18/2011 3:34:38 AM
RE:Workflow emails

The workflow emails are sent to approvers (who are assigned to that workflow step) and always to Roles (Users) with 'manage workflow' permission. This is current design and it cannot be changed in user interface. You would need source code to change it.

If I correctly understand your setup, you could remove 'manage workflow' for all the roles except one admin.

The comments can be added when the user is in a role that is allowed to approve/reject the document in current step.
Do you experience different behavior?
Or, do you want all users to be able to add comments in all workflow steps?


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Nicola - 4/18/2011 3:11:07 PM
RE:Workflow emails
Thanks, I'll have a play around with the configuration.