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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads' View modes: 
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brian-sparkventure - 4/14/2011 5:14:00 PM
Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'
I'm using Kentico 5.5.3996 R2

I'm trying to edit a text input and I'm getting the error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'. The page is done loading and I'm getting it on all of the content pages in my site. After the error message shows the Toolbar for the editor disappears. I'm not sure how to get it to stop giving the error message. Any help would be appreciated

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kentico_edwardh - 4/14/2011 6:07:14 PM
RE:Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'

Could you please try multiple browsers (FF, IE, Opera) to see if this issue is common between browser or just browser related? Also are there any JavaScript errors?

This may be caused by some toolbar/add-on that you are using in your browser. Could you please try to disable them and let me know if the issue occurs after that?

Thank you.

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brian-sparkventure - 4/14/2011 7:33:24 PM
RE:Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'
kentico_edwardh wrote: Hello,

Could you please try multiple browsers (FF, IE, Opera) to see if this issue is common between browser or just browser related? Also are there any JavaScript errors?

This may be caused by some toolbar/add-on that you are using in your browser. Could you please try to disable them and let me know if the issue occurs after that?

Thank you.

I tried FF4, Chrome 10, IE8 (with and without add-ons). I also don't see any javascript errors in any of the browsers. All of them give the same error message.

To give some more background I was editing pages just fine and then it just started happening and now always gives the errors. So it seems like it might have been related to changes I was making to the system, but it's across the entire site.

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kentico_edwardh - 4/15/2011 10:36:25 AM
RE:Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'
Thank you for testing this in different browsers. This error is usually only generated when there are still some elements that have not finished loading in the background.

Can you describe the changes you made to the system that starting causing this error to occur. Can you provide us with login credentials for your CMS? (You can send us a message at support@kentico.com)


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brian-sparkventure - 4/15/2011 12:04:31 PM
RE:Error message 'The page is not fully loaded, please wait until it loads'
I figured out why the error occurs. I have a workaround but it's very strange.

I'm adding some jquery to the site so I went into the masterpage at the root of the site (doing it through the portal instead of code). I added a reference to google's jquery library. I've tried it in the head and at the end of the body but it always gives the error when it's included

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"/>

When I change to use Microsoft's version of the library it works just fine

<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>