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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Workflow/Version/Publish Scheduling Issue View modes: 
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Peter - 4/14/2011 3:44:47 PM
Workflow/Version/Publish Scheduling Issue


I have a custom document under workflow (with 1 custom step) that I enable the editors to select a publish from and publish to date (no times). The publish from/to fields are selected in the document form using document attributes (not the "Use publish from/publish to:" checkbox) as I wanted to control the placement and label of these fields on the form.


When a new document is set to be published in the future and the workflow step is set to published the document is NOT published at at the specified date/time and does NOT appear on the live site as it should.

Of Note:

1. Since we are not allowing time selection for the Publish From/To datetimes the time ends up defaulting to 12:00:00 AM in the database datetime fields.

2. The CMS_Document.DocumentPublishFrom field IS CORRECTLY SET to the requested datetime BUT the CMS_Document.DocumentPublishTo field IS NOT CORRECTLY SET to the requested from date (it seems it is set with the document create/modify datetime).

3. The CMS_VersionHistory.PublishFrom and PublishTo fields ARE CORRECTLY SET to the requested publish from and to dates. The CMS_VersionHistory.ToBePublished field is set to TRUE.

4. The custom document View_*_Joined view is returning a publish status of 0 (not published).

5. The "Content publishing" Scheduled task is running every minute for the target site BUT is returning a result of "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.".

6. If the document is manually re-saved on or after the PublishFrom datetime then the document will be properly published and appear on the live site.


It would seem to me that there is either:

1. A bug in properly saving the PublishTo date in the CMS_Document table (it is currently being set to the create/modify datetime).

2. There is a bug in the "Content publishing" Scheduled task code that is missing publication of documents that are part of a workflow process.

3. We are not understanding how workflow/versioning/scheduled publication should be setup or configured.

I will also send this item as a email support request.

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Peter - 4/14/2011 3:47:43 PM
RE:Workflow/Version/Publish Scheduling Issue

CMS version : 5.5R2 Build : 5.5.4090
OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2
License info : Ultimate, 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM, 05