Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Integrate with SAP B1 via B1WS View modes: 
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knottano.au-gmail - 4/13/2011 8:39:23 AM
Integrate with SAP B1 via B1WS
Hello everyone and Kentico support,

I am trying to evaluate the CMS eCom module in Kentico. I am wondering if it is possible to integrate Kentico with SAP B1 by connect to web service B1WS.

Is it possible for products to show the price which real-time getting from SAP web service?

In the site manager, the schedule task, Do we need to register any application as a service on the hosting server? If not, How the tasks run itself? Just wonder if this schedule tasks can be run on the shared host services ???

Thank you very much,

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kentico_edwardh - 4/15/2011 4:37:27 PM
RE:Integrate with SAP B1 via B1WS

Yes, it is possible to integrate Kentico with SAP. One of Kentico's partners is currently integrated with SAP, however most of this integration was custom developement. It should be possible to show the real-time price from the SAP web service, but again you would need to develop something custom to make this happen.

The scheduling process runs within the ASP.NET process. This means the scheduled task may not execute if your website was not running. This could happen if the process was recycled without being started again, like after a long period of website inactivity. If this happened, your scheduled task will not be executed.

To run the scheduling reliably, you should ensure that your website is always running. You can accomplish this by using some utility or an external service that requests the home page of your website on a regular basis.
