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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Class Form Definition Caching View modes: 
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wrb-seqinc - 5/4/2011 5:17:57 PM
Class Form Definition Caching

I have a monster BizForm (100+ fields) and I needed to change the validation error message on all fields. So, rather than doing this one by one via the CMS, I manually updated CMS_Class.ClassFormDefinition in the database (using find and replace on the XML). However, I made an error at first and duplicated the validationerrormessage attribute in one particular node. I have corrected that (again through DB) but it seems as though the FormClassDefinition object is cached.

I’m getting an error in CMSModules\Bizforms\Tools\BizForm_Edit_Data.aspx.cs on line #55:

Line 55: mFormInfo.LoadXmlDefinition(dci.ClassFormDefinition);

So, it looks like dci.ClassFormDefinition is cached. I’ve verified that the ClassFormDefinition in the DB is accurate.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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wrb-seqinc - 5/5/2011 9:33:52 AM
RE:Class Form Definition Caching
Just wanted to post and say this is closed. I ended up restarting the Application Pool and that cleared the cache.