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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Single use bonus in e-commerce View modes: 
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Łukasz Gojowy - 7/20/2010 3:16:04 AM
Single use bonus in e-commerce

I am looking for a way of handling particular type of promotion with E-commerce module. I want to allow a certain group of customers buying promotional product for 1 EUR, but only one item per customer, and additionally always with accompanying another particular product. Is there a way to achieve this functionality, which is easier than implementing custom step in e-shop's checkout process?

Best Regards,
Łukasz Gojowy

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 7/21/2010 2:40:21 AM
RE:Single use bonus in e-commerce

I am afraid but your need is very special so it requires customization of the checkout process - you can modify some existing step or create new one with the logic you need.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Łukasz Gojowy - 7/21/2010 2:45:00 AM
RE:Single use bonus in e-commerce
Hello, thank you for quick answer. So we will implement it in one of those ways.

Best regards,
Łukasz Gojowy

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ahtun-hotmail - 5/16/2011 4:16:55 PM
RE:Single use bonus in e-commerce
Hi Juraj ,

I need this feature and can you please direct me to do it?

Thank you,

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 5/25/2011 2:34:19 AM
RE:Single use bonus in e-commerce

You can find inspiration in this KB article:

So, you will need to use custom providers (ShoppingCartInfoProvider) and modify the logic of the checkout process step where the coupons are entered.
There's an easy way to add custom providers to the project (in addition to default DLL project) - see this CTO's blogpost.

The coupon can be reused multiple times by any customer, as long as the date is between the valid from and valid to dates.
To change in this behavior to single use (voucher) coupons, the coupon could be identified with some custom table, that would store couponID and flag about its usage... when it is applied, the flag would be set, telling that the coupon has already been used and cannot be used again. You can also set it's validity "to" time to past, however it depends on what data you want to capture around usage of the coupon (e.g., who used it and when).

I would recommend to read through E-commerce guide (documentation) and check the codefiles of checkout steps (~\CMSModules\Ecommerce\Controls\ShoppingCart\ShoppingCartContent.ascx and other controls). API Reference (how to manipulate with discount coupons via DiscountCouponInfoProvider) could be also handy.
