Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Date Time Web part View modes: 
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Naresh - 6/23/2011 2:36:59 PM
Date Time Web part

In our web site, I have a custom web part for data entry. Some of these fields need to select date and time in a text box. So, I thought to use the date time web part for this use.

But, when I add this web part to my page it doesn't show up any thing. I have set all the required properties. Is their some thing else I need to add to show the web part?
Also, are their any other web parts for date time picker besides the date time web part?

Can any one please tell me.

Thank You,


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/23/2011 11:51:16 PM
RE:Date Time Web part

The description you've provided is pretty general. In order to help you you will need to supply additional details.

1) How are you inserting the web part?
2) Are you using the portal engine or ASPX templates?
3) Is your web part working outside of the CMS?
4) Is there any error message displayed (please also check the Event log)?
5) Could you please post screenshots of your web part properties and paste the web part code (codebehind and the aspx file)?
6) Have you followed our guide?

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko

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Naresh - 6/24/2011 11:22:07 AM
RE:Date Time Web part

Thank You Boris Pocatko for the reply.

Well, Presently I just inserted the Date&Time web part in a zone. I want to check how the web part looks and works, so I need to decide whether I can use this web part in my user control, based up on my requirements. So, I added this web part to the zone, but am not able to see the content of web part.

I am using Portal type. My web part is inside the CMS. Also, I don't find any error message in the Event log.

Thank You,


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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_borisp - 6/28/2011 2:16:16 AM
RE:Date Time Web part

I would suggest you to create a simple web part (or modify your current one by deleting the date time control and inserting a simple label) at first with some static text so you can check if you have set up everything correctly. Have you followed our documentation correctly during your setup? Please go through the steps once more to verify your configuration.

Best regards,
Boris Pocatko