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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Is there a easy way to upgrade the order status based on OrderID View modes: 
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Gitesh - 7/15/2011 12:01:42 AM
Is there a easy way to upgrade the order status based on OrderID
Hi Guys,

I am creating a custom payment gateway.
I am able to send customers from the website to the payment gateway page, but is there a easy way that customer comes back to the site and order gets updated on the basis of OrderID.

For e.g: Payment gateway sends the customer back to the kentico site with Order id in its URL and kentico upgrades the order status based on the Order ID.

Gitesh Shah

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 7/15/2011 8:44:09 AM
RE:Is there a easy way to upgrade the order status based on OrderID
Hi Gitesh,

I believe that what you mean is for example performed by our PayPal IPN, as described in E-commerce guide. Is that a correct assumption?


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Certified Developer v7
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Gitesh - 8/9/2011 11:59:37 PM
RE:Is there a easy way to upgrade the order status based on OrderID
Hi zdenek,

Yes, I would like to create something similar to PaypalIPN, I was going through the documentation and I think I need some help.

I have made the module of Paystation (payment provider) to work with C#.

You can have a look on this module on the below link:

Just a thought - Instead of creating a custom payment gateway in kentico, is it possible to redirect customers to this module at the end of Shopping cart (URL includes OrderID and Amount)?

Gitesh Shah

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
Gitesh - 8/10/2011 10:55:35 PM
RE:Is there a easy way to upgrade the order status based on OrderID
Hi Zdenek,

I have figured this out.

Now after checkout all customers are going to a specific URL with orderID and amount in it. this is working exactly as I wanted.

But now the problem is that when the customer comes back from the payment gateway I don't know how to update the order.

I would like to create a return page which comes with Orderid and transaction status in URL. And this return page will update the order.

e.g of URL: newtonseed.co.nz/return.aspx?orderid=1&transaction_status=success

I am sure this is possible but am not sure how to do with kentico.

Your help would be appreciated.

Gitesh Shah