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Version 5.x > Portal Engine > Workflow role to just approve? View modes: 
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jim.morrissey-asg - 3/24/2011 2:13:26 PM
Workflow role to just approve?
Is there a role that will just display the "My Desk" option in the CMS Desk (as in the default CMS Public Users role) but also have the ability to preview then approve documents in the workflow without the permission to edit others?

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 4/4/2011 2:12:31 AM
RE:Workflow role to just approve?

If I understand you well, you want user with access to CMSDesk/My Account section, and Edit / Properties / Workflow section, where this user can approve (Edit -> Publish) given document, is that correct? Currently, this can be done my CMS Editor role, or user with "Manage workflow" permission. If you want set it for other custom role, you can add this role into workflow roles in Site Manager -> Development -> Workflows section and assign given role/user to this workflow step. Basically the same what is done for Bob in following example: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/defining_a_workflow.htm

It is also possible to make only these two sections (My Desk + Properties / Permissions) accessible for given user / role, via UI personalization. Please read this for more details about this functionality.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik

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libertybay - 8/8/2011 11:45:45 AM
RE:Workflow role to just approve?
I have a related question. I would like to establish a role that is able to Approve/Reject a custom workflow step, but not be able to check out/edit a document.

I have created a role that has global Content - Manage Workflow (but not Modify) and is applied to the custom workflow step. Yet, the role is unable to Approve unless given modify access to a document.

How can I achieve this?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 8/14/2011 10:04:37 PM
RE:Workflow role to just approve?

Where do you want to use that functionality? On My Desk or on the Content tab?

It will need to develop a custom module or re-writing CMSDesk to achieve such a goal.

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik