I think I might not have explained it correctly.
So I've already created custom strings as described in the link you sent (only in 5.5 r2) for everything else in the site as well, and that works fine, for the rest of the site.
The issue I'm having here though, is for the login pages (for customers only), I've created a "separate aspx page" outside of the portal system, but in the kenticocms folder, and it is using the kentico api.
Now, in the site, which the french language selected, using the language switcher, it grabs the french strings, created as per the link you provided, correctly.
But, when I then click on the login button, and it redirects me to the login page, that I've created outside of the cms, that is, as it's own aspx page residing in a folder in the kentico site directory (inetpub/wwwroot/KenticoCMS/sslFolder/logonpage.aspx). it only grabs the english version of the string, it's not resolving the french string, even though I'm using
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the HeaderText text
/// </summary>
public string HeaderText
return ResHelper.LocalizeString("{$Logon_Pages.CustomerHeader$}");
to set the actual string. So the question is, am I missing some sort of include, or am I not grabbing a session variable, which is preventing it from grabbing the french string?
that localize string is working in portal pages, but not in the separate aspx login page that I created.