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Kentico CMS Connector for Microsoft SharePoint > Technical Questions > Unlocking CMS Desk View modes: 
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Member - 2/19/2013 12:36:35 PM
Unlocking CMS Desk
We are using the Active Directory provider option. After the session timeout, we correctly get the unlock dialog, but if a user enters their AD network password to unlock, it fails. Users can successfully unlock by just pressing 'unlock' button, without entering a password. The question came secure is this?

Many thanks
Elias Anthan
Metropolitan Council

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/19/2013 1:55:16 PM
RE:Unlocking CMS Desk

Please use correct forum group to post your questions next time.

What is you exact version of Kentico CMS you are using? If it is v7, regrettably there was a bug in the unlocking feature. Please, apply the latest hotfix to fix it.

I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Member - 3/1/2013 8:18:55 AM
RE:Unlocking CMS Desk
Juraj - my apologies for posting in the wrong forum. We applied hotfix 7.0.13 and it's resolved the issue. Thanks for your help.