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WavyDavy - 7/13/2009 7:34:11 PM
custom nested urls
Is it possible to do custom nested urls in kentico the same way you can with static html sites?

For example in a static html site I can create a folder called cms and inside of it have a page called kentico.html, this would make the url

I have just installed kentico and have started playing around with it, congrats to the developers for coming up with such a good product.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 7/16/2009 8:46:33 AM
RE:custom nested urls

Yes, this is possible in Kentico CMS, you can create document of type CMS.Folder and upload another document under this folder document and you will get your complete URL (or any other extension like .html etc.)

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias