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nharris-bostwicklaboratories - 6/8/2010 9:01:31 AM
Placing ads on right side of main page
I just took over the content management of my company's website and although I have html knoiwledge, I have never used Kentico CMS before, so I'm a beginner with this software. It seems pretty intuitive, but I have a question for those of you who have played around with the layout.

The request has come in to place some potential advertising on the right side of the main page. When I am in Design mode in Kentico CMS 4.0 on the main page (not any sub-folders), besides for the banner area at the top of the page, I cannot figure out how to place image links on the right side of the main window. For an example, see the website at I would like to put ads on the right side of the page up next to the banner and menu area.

I'd love instructions on how to do this if anyone has them!


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_radekm - 6/27/2010 11:59:25 AM
RE:Placing ads on right side of main page

In general, it depends on what development model do you use – Portal engine or ASPX templates? I will suppose Portal engine. If I am wrong, correct me please.
To create image links, you could use editable text web part and create link inside this web part (using Edit / Insert link button on FCKEditor´s toolbar), or use editable image web part and select requested image. You can put any web part into appropriate web zone in CMSDesk -> Content -> Edit -> Design tab.

If you want place it besides of current image/content/web part, you need to use other web zone and place it besides current web zone. This means you need to change layout of your page. For more info please see

Best Regards,
Radek Macalik