I am trying to get the content rating web part working.
I have added the following to my page template that I use for Articles:
<%@ Register Src="../../CMSWebParts/ContentRating/ContentRating.ascx" TagName="ContentRating" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<uc1:ContentRating ID="ContentRating1" runat="server" CheckIfUserRated="true" MaxRatingValue="5" MessageAfterRating="Thank you!" RatingType="stars" ResultMessage="{0:0.#} ({1} ratings)" ShowForDocumentTypes="cms.article" ShowResultMessage="true" AllowForPublic="true" CheckPermissions="true" />
The results message show up but the Stars do not? Can you let me know what I might be missing?
Also can you add a webpart to a Transformation? I ask this becasue I am using a repeater to display my articles and i want the Ratings to be positioned next to the Heading of the article. Can it be put tin the Transformation?
Thanks in advance