6/12/2009 4:15:01 PM
CMSEditableRegion CssClass
When using the CMSEditableRegion control in Textbox mode, I was expecting the CssClass field to be applied to the contents of the editable region when it was rendered on page. This doesn't seem to be the case, and the Controls documentation seems confirm that it is "used by the CMSPageManager control only and shouldn't be modified in your code."
It does not seem to do anything at all, either in the page or in the CMSDesk. Is their a particular reason it is not used, or is it just something that was a WebControl carryover and not implemented in the editable region control?
I can get around it by just placing spans with the class defined around the editable region, but it'd be a nice feature for the CssClass to actually apply to the content automatically, if it's not being used in some other way within the control.