I'm pretty new to Kentico, so I might be missing something really simple, but I can't seem to add my custom toolbar set properly. I want one that only allows an image to be edited (along with some other buttons), so I added this into the fckconfig.js file;
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["ImageOnly"] = [
['Source', '-', 'Preview'],
['Undo', 'Redo'],
] ;
And for the control itself on the .aspx;
<cms:CMSEditableRegion ID="WelcomePanel" runat="server" RegionType="HtmlEditor" RegionTitle="Welcome Panel" HtmlAreaToolbar="ImageOnly" />
Saved the .js and the .aspx, but when I load the page it keeps telling me "Toolbar set 'ImageOnly' doesn't exist". Are there any other steps I need to take?
Thanks in advance,