In your custom event you need to call following method, which raises notification events according to the specified parameters:
CMS.SettingsProvider.ModuleCommands.NotificationsRaiseEvent(String, String, Int32, String, String, Int32, String, Object, array<String,2>[,](,))
public static void NotificationsRaiseEvent(
string eventSource,
string eventCode,
int eventObjectId,
string eventData1,
string eventData2,
int siteId,
string where,
Object resolverData,
string[,] resolverSpecialMacros
eventSource (String)
Subscription event source
eventCode (String)
Subscription event code
eventObjectId (Int32)
Subscription event object ID
eventData1 (String)
Subscription event data 1
eventData2 (String)
Subscription event data 2
siteId (Int32)
ID of the site where the event belongs
where (String)
Additional WHERE conditoin
resolverData (Object)
Custom data for macro resolver (DataRow or DataClass object)
resolverSpecialMacros (array<String,2>[,](,))
Special macros (couples [name, value])
Then you need to use “Notification subscription” web part and create custom notification gateway for this purpose according to following documentation:
http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/custom_notification_gateway_overview.htmTables you are looking for in database are Notification_Subscription, Notification_Template, Notification_TemplateText and Notification_Gateway.
I hope this will help you.
Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias.