ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > How to create a second Master Page Template View modes: 
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vablonde25-aol - 1/3/2010 9:29:54 AM
How to create a second Master Page Template
Hi there,

I need to create a second master page template for use on my Intranet. Different menu items etc.

Can anyone provide direction on how to do this? I want to use the same basic structure as my root.master page, but need unique drop down menus etc.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 1/4/2010 2:58:46 AM
RE:How to create a second Master Page Template

You can change the visual inheritance of the page template used on the document, so it will not inherit content from the real master page and it can have different look and feel. Then you need to configure the web parts according to your needs.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus