I'm trying to link my Blogs (sitting underneath page 'blogs') to another page 'home'. I used the function 'Link an existing document'.
Page 'blogs' has listed all my blogs (categorized) and on the homepage I'm trying to achieve to list all blog entries using the blog preview transformation.
The linked blogs are showing up underneath my homepage, but no content is displaying. I'm using the exact code as for the page 'blogs'. Do I need to set a path or anything else in order to show all the blog entries on the homepage?
I'm using the ASPX template mode and the code I'm using for the homepage is following:
<uc1:repeater runat="server" ID="rptMonthPosts" ShowForDocumentTypes="cms.blogmonth"
Path="./%" ClassNames="cms.blogpost" OrderBy="BlogPostDate DESC" TransformationName="cms.blog.PostPreview"
ResultsPosition="top" EnableViewState="false" />
<uc1:repeater runat="server" ID="rptAllPosts" ShowForDocumentTypes="cms.blog;cms.blogpost;CMS.MenuItem"
ClassNames="cms.blogpost" OrderBy="BlogPostDate DESC" TransformationName="cms.blog.PostPreview"
SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.blogpost.Default" EnableViewState="false" />
<div class="comments">
<uc1:CommentView runat="server" ID="CommentView" ShowForDocumentTypes="cms.blogpost"
CheckPermissions="False" ShowDeleteButton="true" ShowEditButton="true" DisplayTrackbacks="true" EnableViewState="false" />
The name of my blogs I like to display are blogname1 and blogname2.
They showing fine on the blog page but as I said not as a linked document to the homepage.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,