3/13/2009 1:29:35 PM
Web Part using asp:MultiView and CMSEditableRegion
I have a control running on my existing Website that I want to use as I build my site in Kentico 4. I placed the MultiView control in a Web Part and am trying to use that Web Part on the Blank page template within the portal. My navigation for each asp:View is a combination of asp:LinkButtons and Javascript.
Within in the portal, I can navigate to the 1st View of my MultiView, and I can enter text in the CMSEditableRegion control for that View. When I navigate to any of the other Views, I see the title of the corresonding CMSEditableRegion, but I can't enter any text in the region.
My MultiView looks like:
<asp:MultiView ID="mview1" runat="server"> <asp:View ID="view1" runat="server"> <h1>View1</h1> <cms:CMSEditableRegion ID="cmsEditView1" RegionTitle="View 1" RegionType="HtmlEditor" runat="server" /> </asp:View> <asp:View ID="view2" runat="server"> .... </asp:View> </asp:MultiView>