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Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page View modes: 
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jslist-sbcglobal - 6/2/2013 3:03:04 PM
Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Hi All,
I'm new to Kentico. I'm helping a non-profit that uses Kentico CMS V4.0. They have a page that holds links for their old newsletters.

What should happen is when someone pays for the old newsletters they should be the only ones to access that page.

How do I set this up? They have other products and get email notices when they are paid for. I can have the person who receives the email adjust a user's account for viewing the old newsletters. But I'm not sure how to set up the user account to have a setting to enable them to get in. And how to set the page up to check for the setting.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 6/3/2013 2:03:25 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page

You can create a role in Site Manger -> Administration -> Roles -> New role which will have access for those old newsletter pages. These permissions can be set in CMS Desk -> <your page> -> Properties -> Security -> Select roles.

Then you can dynamically assign users to this newly created role based on the fact that they paid. This will allow them to read the content of the pages.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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JS - 11/17/2013 4:42:48 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Can I bug you some more - I've assigned a role to the newsletter page - but still as long as a person is enabled (they've logged in) They can see the newsletter page.

I've set up a 3 of test accounts -
a = enabled & newsletterRole,
b =enabled & NOT newletterRole,
c = not enabled & newsletterRole

As expected C can't view the newsletters. But a & b can.

As an extra set on the page I added Everyone & UserPublic role to the page and took away all priveledges.

What am I missing here?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 11/19/2013 2:27:24 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page

Isn't user b in any other role which has access to the newsletter page by any chance?

Also, have you set Deny to all permissions for Everyone and UserPublic role? Could you take screenshots of your current settings for corresponding roles?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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JS - 11/21/2013 7:26:32 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Ok here you go. The access is the same for all.
PastNewsLetter role is the one I want to be able to have access to the page.

User image

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JS - 11/21/2013 7:27:18 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
?Can you see the images?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 11/25/2013 1:11:01 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page

Actually screenshots are not displayed correctly and I do not see them. Could you re-upload them to this server -

Thank you.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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JS - 11/30/2013 11:59:58 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Ok here's the urls (Like the Everyone - they all have Newsletters selected)


An account has to be enabled to login.
Accounts get enabled if you just sign up for the forums.
They should be in the PastNewsLetters role to view the page.
Right now if you are enabled -- you can view the Newsletters page.

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JS - 11/30/2013 12:41:02 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Sorry I uploaded new images with more info on them.

Here's the links

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 12/8/2013 6:33:58 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page

You probably do not have permissions on global level set correctly. You can find more information in Developer's Guide - Secured web site areas.
Checking access to page content

The page content is not secured by default, even if the current user is denied to read the given page. You need to configure this either by setting Check permissions to true in the Editable region web part properties (local configuration) or globally by setting the value in Site Manager -> Settings -> Security -> Check page permissions to one of the following values:

• NO - doesn't check any permissions.
• ALL - checks permissions for all pages, including public pages.
• SECUREDAREAS - checks permissions for all pages within a secured area.

When the user is not authorized to read the page, she is displayed with Access denied page. You can configure custom access denied page URL in the Site Manager -> Settings -> Security -> Access denied page URL property.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac

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JS - 12/8/2013 6:01:15 PM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Under Site Manager -> Settings _> Security -> Change Page Permissions ->
It is set to Secured Areas. I changed it to all pages.
I set Access denied page URL to the Home page. (

Under CMS Desk -> Access ->
Is set to Requires authentication = Yes

You know - the admin account went to load up a new newsletter and was denied access. So I took off all the roles and now admin is allowed to upload a new newsletter. Sounds like all of this is just affecting the CMS Login accounts - not really the general user accounts.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_filipl - 12/9/2013 4:29:21 AM
RE:Newsletter Subscribers Only See Newsletter Page
Hi JS,

Isn't it possible that admin was also a member of a role which had denied access to the page? If that is no the case, I would probably need to take a look at your settings - please write us to and send us credentials for the site.

Also, I am not entirely sure what you mean by "this is just affecting the CMS Login accounts - not really the general user accounts" because CMS login accounts are the same as general user accounts. Every account just has different permissions which defines roles they have - admin, editor, visitor, etc.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Filip Ligac