ASPX templates
Version 4.x > ASPX templates > Can't change title tag View modes: 
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eoin-fusio - 4/13/2012 10:14:50 AM
Can't change title tag
I'm using the ASPX template system. Have a master page which mt template uses and then all pages use that template.

The master page has these tags:

  <title id="Title1" runat="server">My site</title>
<asp:literal runat="server" id="ltlTags" enableviewstate="false" />

And then in the code behind:

protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)


ltlTags.Text = HeaderTags;


I go into the CMS desk, edit the properties of any page, in the 'Meta Data' area I de-tick inherit and enter the title and the meta description. Meta description works but the title remains unchanged.

Any ideas?

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eoin-fusio - 4/13/2012 10:20:10 AM
RE:Can't change title tag
Gah! how did this end up in the version 4 should be in version 5!!! CAn't seem to edit or move the post.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/15/2012 12:49:05 AM
RE:Can't change title tag

It does not matter since this is the same in all versions :-)

You need to change it in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content section. There are two fields for the page title and prefix. Please note - you may need to switch the site using the upper left drop down list - switching between global and site specific settings.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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eoin-fusio - 4/16/2012 4:06:22 AM
RE:Can't change title tag

thanks, I've since found that section, have used that dropdown you mention in the top right to change the site and then I see (among others) two fields that seem relevant:

Page title format
Page title prefix

The prefix is set to the site name - 'My website'
and the format is set to: {%prefix%}

When I look at the specific page that I've edited the metatags of all I see in the title tag is 'My Website'. If I delete that from the prefix in settings, I have no title tag on that page.

I'm still not seeing the specific page's title anywhere.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/16/2012 5:42:08 AM
RE:Can't change title tag

Have you tried using the {%pagetitle_orelse_name%} macro? this will automatically fill out the page title of given documents. Otherwise you need to go to each document's Properties tab -> Metadata and fill the data here for the document.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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eoin-fusio - 4/16/2012 5:54:28 AM
RE:Can't change title tag

That worked! Thank you.Is it set to prefix by default? Would seem to be very bad for SEO. Anyway, working now.

Thanks again.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/16/2012 6:31:53 AM
RE:Can't change title tag

No, the default value is set to: {%prefix%} - {%pagetitle_orelse_name%} so, it seems someone removed it some time ago in your CMS.

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus