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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template View modes: 
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Matthew - 2/12/2009 7:34:37 PM
Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template
I created a web template on Kentico4RC. I run the web template on Kentico4. Then, I created a new 'Article' template and updated the web template. When I created another new site with this updated web template, I realised the 'Article' template was removed from the system. I checked the CMS_PageTemplate table in the database, the template record is gone.

Please advise.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/17/2009 1:17:05 AM
RE:Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template

If you have used the same code names for your templates, it is possible that you have overwritten the template with the defaults.

Could you please describe the issue with more details - which template it was, and which steps you have made exactly?

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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Matthew - 2/18/2009 12:30:25 AM
RE:Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template
Hope the following details would give you more clues to resolve the issue.

There was only 1 existing site - MySite in my KenticoCMS4 system. I did following steps where I got the template missing issue.

1. I turned all pages in this MySite into templates.
2. I produced a web template - Mytemplate with MySite.
3. I created a NEW site - SecondSite with this Mytemplate
4. There was originally an "Article" page hooking to a "ArticleTemplate" template. After the new site created, the 'ArticleTemplate' disappeared. The template property of the Article page (on both existing and new sites) was changed to "XXX page (inherited)".

Please advise.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 2/23/2009 7:19:33 AM
RE:Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template
Hi again,

Is the page template is still present in Site Manager -> Development -> Page templates?
When importing a site the templates are not deleted.

Also, this template was assigned to the document as normal template or as an Ad-Hoc template?

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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matthew.lee-reedbusiness.com - 2/25/2009 10:53:18 PM
RE:Template removed after create a new website from a custom web template
I 've found the reason for this issue.

When I did the export, I included those tasks which delete the page template.