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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Deleting HTML Webpart Does Not Delete Content View modes: 
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ctaleck IPAGlobal - 5/19/2009 9:11:52 AM
Deleting HTML Webpart Does Not Delete Content
This is not quite a bug, but something to watch out for. Follow these steps to replicate:

1. Add a Text > Editable text Web Part called "ContentText" to a page
2. Add some text to the section and save it
3. Remove the "ContentText" Web Part
4. View the page using a transformation that has GetEditableValue("ContentText")

The content will still show in the transformation still. This may be by design, but this "ghost" content can sometime come back to haunt you if you forget it is there.

It might be nice to have an option when deleting the Web Part to also delete the content associated with it in the database.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/2/2009 8:03:44 AM
RE:Deleting HTML Webpart Does Not Delete Content

Yes, this is by-design behavior. If you add web part with same ID as deleted web part the content will be displayed within it. You can eventually delete the content from 'Properties -> General -> Edit regions & webparts section (since version 4.0).

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek