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serdar - CSO GmbH - 5/20/2009 3:55:33 AM
Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?
Hi all,

We have a problem with newsletter unsubscription on multi language pages. We have german and english newsletters and if a newsletter member wants to exit from membership, CMSPages/unsubscribe.aspx displays only English text.
"You've been unsubscribed" and also without site template.

How can I change it to display correct language texts for each newsletter and if it is possible display textes in standard page design?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/26/2009 6:14:45 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?
Hi Serdar,

You can create unsubscription pages for each language version directly in CMSDesk. You will need to add 'NewsletterUnsubscription' web part onto this page to ensure 'unsubscription' functionality. You can also specify different text in appropriate language into 'Confirmation text' property of this web part for each page. Then you will need to specify relative URL (e.g.: ~/SpecialPages/Unsubscribe.aspx) of appropriate unsubscription page into 'Newsletters -> edit newsletter -> Configuration -> Unsubscription page URL' field for each newsletter.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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serdar - CSO GmbH - 8/31/2009 3:28:30 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?
Hi Martin,

I want to back again this problem.

We have created Unsubsription page for each language and we gave the url as you said ~/SpecialPages/Unsubscribe.aspx, and I also tried to ~/SpecialPages/Unsubscribe.aspx?lang=fr-FR but we get 404 Error.

In newsletter also comes {%UnsubscribeLink%} allways with main language. How can I set it diffrently for other languages?


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 9/1/2009 2:24:55 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?

I think that you may need to create another unsubscribe page (not only language version of current unsubscribe page). For instance ~/SpecialPages/UnsubscribeFr.aspx
Could you please try that?

You can define here unsubscribe confirmation message as well.

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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serdar - CSO GmbH - 9/1/2009 3:04:23 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?
Hi Ondrej,

Thanks for your answer. We can use this approach for this problem.

But still comes in Emails "UnsubscribeLink" as Site Standard Language not FR. I tried to you |(encode)fr-FR as well but it doesnt work. Is this problem resolved in Version 4.1?


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serdar - CSO GmbH - 9/1/2009 3:38:49 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?
serdar - CSO GmbH wrote: Hi Ondrej,

Thanks for your answer. We can use this approach for this problem.

But still comes in Emails "UnsubscribeLink" as Site Standard Language not FR. I tried to you |(encode)fr-FR as well but it doesnt work. Is this problem resolved in Version 4.1?


Now I tested it with version 4.1 (but with |(culture)fr-FR not |(encode)fr-FR) and result is same doesnt work. I reported it as a bug to Kentico.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 9/1/2009 8:43:40 AM
RE:Newsletter unsubscription: Which language?

As I've posted on another forum thread - You can define unsubscribe URL within the newsletter template in following format instead of original macro:

<a href="http://YourDomain.com/SpecialPages/Unsubscribe.aspx?subscriberguid={%SubscriberGUID%}&newsletterguid={%NewsletterGUID%}&issueid={%IssueID%}">Unsubscribe</a>

You need to paste that code using Source mode. Please note that you need to set correct unsubscribe page which will suit your situation. Moreover you could create another language version of unsubscribe page to receive appropriate unsubscribe confirmation message.

This way you can generate the unsubscribe link in any language.

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil