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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Kentico to send password to the supplied email address View modes: 
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sami-kazemi - 9/9/2009 8:55:38 AM
Kentico to send password to the supplied email address
I am using the free edition of verion 4.1 and it seems I can’t get Kentico to send password to the supplied email address.

When I make a change to the Administrator password it tells me that the changes were saved. Password has been sent to: email address, But I never receive the email.

And for users if I click on forgotten password during log in and enter my username it tells me:
The password has been sent to specified address but I never receive this email either.

In both cases the email they indicate is correct, I’ve also checked my spam filter and junk mail folder. The emails were not received.

Is this a limitation to the free edition of Kentico or a bug of sorts?

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mayank.raichura-gmail - 9/14/2009 1:37:44 PM
RE:Kentico to send password to the supplied email address

First, please follow the following steps.

1. Login to your CMSDesk/CMSSiteManager
2. Open CMSSiteManager
3. Open Administration Tab
4. Select appropriate site from the dropdown on top of the left panel.
5. Select Email Queue

Please check the queue for pending or failed emails & the related error message.

If it's related to authentication, please verify that you have properly setup your email settings.

Visit CMSSiteManage - Settings - Emails to see if the email settings are correct or not.

Hope this helps.

Hope this helps.

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sami-kazemi - 9/15/2009 9:39:27 AM
RE:Kentico to send password to the supplied email address
thanks Mayank,

could you please guide me into how to setup my email settings.
which SMTP server & user should I be using? that of my hosting provider?
and which user?
I am a little confused about how this email works and where it is being sent from..

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/15/2009 11:24:02 AM
RE:Kentico to send password to the supplied email address

Yes, you need to ask your hosting provider to give you the access credentials and name of the SMTP server, which you can use for sending e-mails. These credentials you will enter in the settings section.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus