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Certified Developer v6
Certified Developer v6
nortech - 8/25/2009 7:54:16 AM
Smart Search
I' m using smart serach module on v4.1.1.

I can't figure out how to use the filter module. The following search texts do not return any results (as it should). I'm using simple analyser and the catalog contains greek text.

+( +ψαρεμα) +_culture:([el-gr TO el-gr] [invariantifieldivaluei TO invariantifieldivaluei]) +classname:nortech.boat

+( +ψαρεμα) +_culture:([el-gr TO el-gr] [invariantifieldivaluei TO invariantifieldivaluei]) +manufacturerid:(int)489

The field manufacturerid is configured as searchable with no custom search name.

When I use white space analyser, the search text [1] is working fine, while the text [2] is not working.

So, the syntax ([var type])[value] is not working at all. The value [nortech.boat] is spotted using white space while it is ignored when using simple analyser (does the dot [.] cause any problems?).

Any ideas on how to analyse correctly all the information so that it can be searched succesfuly using the syntax [field name]:[value] or [field name]:([var type])[value]??

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
kentico_mirekr - 8/26/2009 6:15:47 AM
RE:Smart Search

In the [2] case, could you please make sure that the document with manufacturerid=489 contains the text "ψαρεμα"?

Regarding the problem with the dot, you need to use something like this, because the simple analyzer is removing the dots as well: +classname:[nortech.boat TO nortech.boat]

Best Regards,
Miroslav Remias