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nnarayanan-guru - 11/5/2009 12:55:24 PM
Forum Attachments
I have set "Attachment max. file size (kB)" under forums as 500kb. When I try uploading 1 or 2 mb files it gives me a error saying "File size exceeds maximum allowed size of forum attachment." which is fine but when I upload 20 or 30MB file the page breaks and displays file not found error.

Please let me know if I am missing anything.

Thank you.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/10/2009 1:42:04 AM
RE:Forum Attachments
Hello Nitya,

the problem is in the way how ASP.NET handles uploading og file. You may avoid the browser error by increasing of MaxRequestLength parameter in web.config. Please see here: http://devnet.kentico.com/Blogs/Juraj-Ondrus/May-2009/Few-hints-for-large-file-uploads,-authentication.aspx for more details.

We plan to add a new feature to one of next versions which will use Flash/Silverlight file uploader. It will allow stopping of uploading if file exceed the allowed size. Nowadays, ASP.NET knows the size once the upload is finished.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova