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Version 4.x > Bug reports > Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc View modes: 
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Yalın - 10/29/2009 11:47:54 AM
Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc
I have read whatever related documentation is available but I'm still having these issues...

I believe Kentico Caching is sort of working against me.

Steps to reproduce:

1 - Create a page template, myTemplate (or use an existing one) with some webparts
2 - Use the page template myTemplate in a page in Site 1
3 - Use the page template myTemplate in a page in Site 2
4 - Make a change in myTemplate in the page in Site 1 (through the Design view or Webparts Tab Manually site manager)
5 - Watch and marvel it doesn't sync the myTemplate under site manager or the page in Site 2, confirmed through Web Parts content under "Site Manager>Development>Page Templates>myTemplate>Web Parts".

(At this point one would assume, as I had, that the sites receive an Ad-Hoc copy of the template, until one day, they all changed, What's supposed to be the behavior?)

Steps to reproduce:

1 - Create a site called "mysite1" and "mysite2"
2 - Work in "mysite" and create pages.
3 - Through Site Manager rename "mysite2" to "MYSITE2"
4 - Observe that when switching from "mysite1" to "MYSITE2" the site selection box still displays mysite1 while the contents show MYSITE2

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/3/2009 8:44:00 AM
RE:Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc

I am trying to reproduce the issue but I am not successful.

1. I followed the instructions but the changes of template (made on Design tab) appear immediately on the second site even in Site manager.

Did you test it in a different browser?
Do the changes appear in Preview mode of document where you changed the template?

2. I changed the Site displayed name (case of letters) and then switch the site by the Site selection in CMSDesk and the selection box changed the site name as well.
Could you please confirm me that you switch the sites by Site selection?
Could you please test it again in different browser?

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Yalın - 11/3/2009 10:24:21 AM
RE:Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc
Browsers used... Firefox 3.5.4, IE7, IE8

Could it be the nature of the change?
Couple things I change...

Editable text, Editable region width
Editable text, Content Before

Even though the experience is the same for me wheter I cange it in...

Design Mode
CMS Desk Site > Properties > Template > Edit Template Properties > Web Parts
Site Manager > Development > Page Templates > [Template] > Development > Web Parts

What kind of behaviour should I expect when I choose to use web parts for its convinience?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/5/2009 5:37:46 AM
RE:Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc

I have tried the same properties and it works just fine.

1. Do you use the 4.1 version?

2. Can you please clear the browser cache?

3. And also the application cache (Site manager -> Administration -> System)?

4. What cache settings do you use (Site manager -> Settings -> Web site -> Cache page info)?

5. Did you test it on a different browser? E.g. localhost..

6. Are you aware of some kind of special cache on server side (except for Kentico cache)?

Thank you in advance for your reply.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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JPK - 11/6/2009 9:17:22 AM
RE:Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc
This appears to be the same issue we are having... changes made from one domain name do not show up in another domain. We have 2 IIS websites pointed to one Kentico site. (we're not using domain aliases in this situation, there's a good reason for it). When we make a change in the CMSDesk or CMSSiteManager of site 1, it does not show up in the CMSDesk, CMSSiteManager or the live site of site 2 until we recycle the app pool. Obviously, recycling the app pool isn't a good long term solution.

As of right now, this is unresolved and we were told "This is a standard behavior".

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 11/10/2009 2:25:07 AM
RE:Kentico Caching, Page Templates Web Part Settings, Site name change etc

Please see here: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/web_farm_support_overview.htm

Web farm module is responsible for the synchronization. Unless you use it (or domain aliases) we may not ensure the immediate synchronization.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova