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Version 4.x > Bug reports > flash playback time is showing double the time. View modes: 
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sami-kazemi - 10/4/2009 9:28:26 AM
flash playback time is showing double the time.
I'm not sure this is a bug but it is really strange, when my flash SWF files are shown in browser the time in the playback timer is running at double the speed.

take a look at the video here:

the video is 6 minutes, but the timer is showing 12 minutes because it is running at double the speed. the video itself is running at normal speed it is just the timer that is wrong.

if I open the flash file locally using the same browser it shows correctly at 6 minutes not 12.

the SWF files are placed using flash webpart.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 10/7/2009 4:01:03 PM
RE:flash playback time is showing double the time.

Do you use standard flash player (webpart)? Or is it modified one? What way have you created the video controls?

Thank you for information

Best Regards
Ondrej Vasil

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sami-kazemi - 10/11/2009 12:00:57 PM
RE:flash playback time is showing double the time.
I'm using the standard webpart.

I thought the controls come from within the SWF file.
but I tried changing the settings on the SWF file so that it doesn't show the timeline on the playback control when I open it locally.

but when it's online it still uses the default playback controls, I don't know where it is getting the settings for the playback controls from.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 10/15/2009 12:28:12 PM
RE:flash playback time is showing double the time.

Thank you for information. As I can see it doesn't seem to be an issue caused by Kentico CMS. Actually our Flash webpart adds basic settings like height, auto play, loop, quality, scale to the flash object, but not the controls. Could you please check your swf file (especially how it creates controls)?

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil