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Version 4.x > Bug reports > HTML with <form> works but with Kentico implemented it breaks site. View modes: 
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mlux-chakracentral - 3/9/2010 2:46:17 PM
HTML with <form> works but with Kentico implemented it breaks site.
We have a site that we first builtout into HTML. Within a DIV we have a form. Everything looks fine when it is just html.

Now we have implemented our buildout to Kentico and where the <form></form> is it breaks the site and creates a space. This is in IE8 only.

Has anyone see this oddity? We can put anything in that div and it looks fine, but once you put in <form></form> it breaks.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 3/11/2010 6:57:16 AM
RE:HTML with <form> works but with Kentico implemented it breaks site.

Please note that Kentico CMS is based on ASP.NET.

The ASP.NET allows only one <form> tag on the page – it is the enveloping form which handles all ASP.NET page functionality.

If you need the second <form> for your purposes you could use the iFrames. Please use Google for more details, for example: http://www.15seconds.com/issue/030528.htm

I would also recommend you to consider the BizForms which could replace your custom form functionality. Please see here: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/bizforms_module_overview.htm for more details.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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mlux-chakracentral - 3/11/2010 3:12:41 PM
RE:HTML with <form> works but with Kentico implemented it breaks site.
That was it. Thanks Helena!