Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Content Slider View modes: 
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Kurt Farrar - 2/16/2009 4:08:01 PM
Content Slider
I've noticed the Content Slider in 4.0 and have just tried to make use of it, but for some reason all of my content appears all of the time layed over each other.

I was expecting some sort of transition/slide-show effect, but just get a mash of text.

Are there any default transformations or an example of the content slider in use that I could use for reference?

Has anyone else come across this problem?

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Kurt Farrar - 2/16/2009 4:32:14 PM
RE:Content Slider
Scrub that last post, it does work, it's just not visible through CMS Desk (both Edit, Preview and Live views).

I tested from a separate browser window and it worked fine.