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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Linking products View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
slycknick - 3/9/2009 11:40:31 AM
Linking products
I have written an interface using the API to upload products from an external database to Kentico. All this works fine except where I have products that exist in more than one department.

For example

Department A
-- SKU 1
-- SKU 2
Department B
-- SKU 1
-- SKU 3

So the SKU 1 exists in A and B

I understand, I think, that I can do this by linking the documents together. My question is; is there an easy way to get the default node that the document (sku) resides on so I can then link it to the other?

Thanks in adavnce.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 3/9/2009 4:30:55 PM
RE:Linking products
Hi Nick,

please note the difference between products - SKUs and Documents - documents "presentations" of the product. See the note at http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/ecommerceguide/products.htm and also related articles.

One SKU can be assigned to only one department at the moment (Or I'm missing something there), so I'm not sure if you mean products or documents in your structure.
Could you please clarify this a little? Thanks.

Regarding the nodes (documents) in the content tree, you could use NodeLinkedNodeID (if it's not null or zero) to obtain the original node. See the API reference for details.
