Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Few questions on Forums View modes: 
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skrish-guru - 4/1/2009 2:07:03 PM
Few questions on Forums
I am experimenting with the Forums functionality of version 4.0 and have some questions (i am unable to find answers in the documentation provided).

1. I was exploring the possibility of listing the forum groups on the left side and then on user clicking the group name display the forums on the right and then drill down into the conversations. But i do not see such functionality. I am looking for some information in this context.

2. The view of the forum group and the forums as i see under Tools -> Forums is different from the appearance of the group and the forums when the web parts for these are included in the page content - this seems very odd that when i am using the default appearances within the product are different.

3. I see some behavior in the web part forum group which i am unable to control. These are:
a. The left most column in front of the forum name and the threads when the forum is expanded is completely blank - as per the documentation and i should see an image which look like callouts representing conversation.
b. Under the forum name and thread, i get a grey box with the words Lock and Stick Thread - i am unable to determine why these are being displayed and also the means to control the display of these menu items
c. In the thread display it self, while the Reply, Quote and Subsribe to post are nicely formatted, the options Edit, Delete, Report Abuse and attachments seem clumped up - perhaps this is customization work .

4. Do you support the ability to list the postings of the poster - similar to the links for sending a privte message and add as a friend?

5. The top contributors is a great concept - it would have been great if the user could click on the contributor name and view the postings and then view the thread. This would be a way of finding how consistent and valuable the postings of contributors are.

It would be good if the formatting options in this forum allows for bullets (which is permitted by your forum web part !!)


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Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 4/7/2009 3:02:26 AM
RE:Few questions on Forums
Hi Shankar,

1) You can achieve this by using a repeater with custom query where you will list the forum groups and create the links to appropriate forums. Another option is to place each group on separate document in the content tree and then list these pages in a menu or repeater.

2) This is matter of the CSS styles you are using, they are different for live site and for the edit mode in Tools section - in this section it is only a simple preview without heavy styling.

a. This is achieved by CSS styles for forums, in this case it should be ForumImageDefault CSS
b. These links are displayed to authorized users. You can lock the forum so the users cannot add or reply to posts. Sticking the forum means that you can move up and down the sticked forums
c. Again, this can be achieved by CSS

4 and 5) You can use the Forum posts datasource web part to achieve this. You will need to pass the user ID to the data source and filter out the records.

Last one - this can be achieved by customizing the forum design.