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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes View modes: 
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jesper-polleva - 6/22/2009 7:22:44 AM
Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes
I'm setting up an e-commerce site for selling clothes. Every product will have a list of sizes (e.g. Small, Medium, Large etc). Instead of showing avalible items just for the product I would like to show avalible items according to the sizes for each product (e.g. Small 12 items, Medium 13 items).

I've tried to do this using Product Options but the problem is that every products different sizes then will have the same number of avalible items because the value is linked to the product option instead of the product.
I would like to link the sizes avalible items to the product.

Is there anyway to do this?

Best regards

Jesper Allestam

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richard - 6/25/2009 9:52:07 PM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes
Yes we need the same functionality.

We have Size/Color/Length and would ideally have a sku/inventory for each combination.

Ideally on the product detail page you would load the color/length combinatons for a particular size (and vis a vis) using ajax so the page does not reload when you change the size (color/length).

Can anyone point us in the right direction? Or can provide some code that implements the product options in this manner?



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kentico_pavelk - 6/30/2009 7:00:53 AM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes

Unfortunately, you may need to create special product option for each product. We know about this issue and we will solve it in one of the future versions.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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sandip.patil-acapteam - 6/30/2009 7:11:04 AM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes
In last version for same post u replayed same "we will solve it in one of the future versions.".

When we will get solution for this ?

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kentico_pavelk - 7/2/2009 6:13:15 AM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes

I posted the same answer for other users. I can't give you exact date because I don't know in which version this feature will be included.

Best Regards,
Pavel Knotek

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richard - 10/31/2011 12:18:17 PM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes
This is a very old post but has a better solution for this scenario added in version 6?

Not having a resolution to this very much limits the usefulness of Kentico ecommerce

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kentico_ivanat - 11/7/2011 6:29:31 AM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes

yes, you can do it directly in the version 6.0.

How to create a new product option is described here:
Add a new product option

Then if you open the product option, you will see a field Available items where you can define for example number of red T-shirts.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova

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richard - 11/7/2011 2:39:04 PM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes
Thanks Ivana

This has not really changed since 5.5 (and all previous versions).

This works fine when you have a single set of colour options (eg red tshirts) however when you have clothing (or any other product types that have size/color options) you have colors and sizes and each of these combinations is a separate SKU with separate stock, e.g. red tshirts only come in small and medium and we only have a certain number of each of these colour/size combinations. Kentico ecommerce does just not handle this scenario at all.

Again I reiterate until this is changed to allow conditional/multi-level product options (like every other 'fully fledged' eCommerce system does) it really does reduce the usefulness of Kentico ecommerce (without building a lot of custom code).

It was "planned" for 6.0 on User Voice and I am disappointed that this has now been changed to "planned for 7.0" - is this to be believed?



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kentico_ivanat - 11/14/2011 2:36:23 AM
RE:Ecommerce: Link avalible items to clothes sizes

Our developer responsible for this module promised that conditional/multi-level product options will be available in the version 7.0.

I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Ivana Tomanickova