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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15) View modes: 
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Carly Lyddiard - 11/17/2009 5:52:07 PM
Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)
Hi guys.

I've got a drop down list in a custom web part that has autopostback = true, and I've switched on "Uses Update Panel" on the web part properties. There is very little logic here, it should be straightforward.

The first ajax postback goes through fine, but with any postback after that there seems to be an issue (possibly with the URL rewriting engine in Kentico) as I get a 404 error. It seems to have dropped the "CMSPages" segment of the raw path.

I've patched the site to 4.0.15 (the latest hotfix for 4.0 I believe) and am still experiencing this behaviour.

The web part really isn't that complex. I have no code in there which is doing redirects (so it shouldn't be a problem with my code redirecting to a page that doesn't exist). I'm a bit puzzled by it at the moment.

Could I be missing something obvious here? Has anyone else had this issue?

Thanks for any assistance or advice you can provide.



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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 12/3/2009 3:10:17 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)
Hi Carly,

It is very strange, could you please send us or post here the code of the web part you are using? It is strange that there is postback even if the update panel is enabled.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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meandmyrobot - 2/24/2010 4:19:08 PM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)
Hi folks,

Just wondering how this was resolved. I am seeing this issue on the live server but not on our development box.


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 3/2/2010 6:24:50 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)

Regrettably I have never heard back from Carly, it seems that the problem was resolved. I hope that Carly is subscribed to this thread and that Carly will post the solution here.

Best Regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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AlexQMN - 9/6/2011 5:36:32 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)

Has anyone ever figured out what this Problem is? Im having the same Problem now on my local Installation using localhost. On our Server-Install its working fine.

If i look with HttpFox at the Traffic i see that the /CMSPages bit in the URL is missing after second Postback when using Update Panel.
If i dont use Update Panel it is working, but theres another strange Effect, the URL it shows is something like .../Kentico/CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx?aliaspath=%2fHome
instead of .../Kentico/Home.aspx. This might be related somehow.

This Post here seems to be the same issue: http://devnet.kentico.com/Forums.aspx?forumid=45&threadid=19220

Would love to know if this has ever been solved.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/6/2011 6:00:04 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)

Regrettably, no one posted here the solution. Is it possible to send us the code you are using and/or also link to your site so we can check this behavior deeper?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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AlexQMN - 9/6/2011 8:22:28 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)
Hi Juraj,

Thanks for your reply.
Im afraid its not really possible as theres still much work going on at the site at the Moment.

But somehow im pretty sure the Problem is in the end caused by those different URLs i was mentioning in my earlier post.

On the site that is working if i look at the rendered HTML code the start of the <form> tag looks like this:

<form method="post" action="/KenticoCMS_01/Home.aspx" onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();" id="form1">

The same site on my local install, which is failing, looks like this:

<form method="post" action="CMSPages/PortalTemplate.aspx?aliaspath=%2fHome" id="form1">

Do you know how this is controlled/where i can change that ?


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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_jurajo - 9/7/2011 2:02:35 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)

Could you please try to add this key into the web.config file:


and set its value to true and/or false to see whether it will help or not?

Best regards,
Juraj Ondrus

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AlexQMN - 9/14/2011 8:31:57 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)
Hi Jurajo,

Regrettably that didnt had any effect. I exported the Site from my local Install and imported in our Dev-Server Install. There it is working again with no Problem.
Anyhow i now just copied the whole WebProject Solution from Server over to my local Install. Now its working as it should.
Still remains a mystery why it was behaving like that, but since its working now im fine :)


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enslund-gmail - 11/22/2011 4:06:03 AM
RE:Update Panel - Subsequent postbacks failing with 404 (Kentico 4.0.15)

Found this one:


Works for me! (I havent got time to dig any deeper but I think the problem occurred when moving to .Net 3.5, using EPiServer CMS)

BR Jens