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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Form value dissappear after click on the paging to next page View modes: 
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chuanhoe.low-ivisgroup - 4/20/2009 1:39:29 AM
Form value dissappear after click on the paging to next page
I face a problem on the value on my search textbox go disappear after clicking the paging by cmsrepeater to next page. Basically i created a custom web usercontrol which consist of one textbox, one search button and one cmsrepeater which enable paging set to true. After i enter certain text/ keyword into the textbox, the cmsrepeater will be set with the where condition with the keyword entered. At this stage, the value of my textbox will be persisted after the search button is clicked. However, after i click on the paging, my textbox value go missing. Is this a normal behaviour, how can i persist my textbox value after navigate to another page. Can anyone advise on this. Thanks.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 4/28/2009 4:29:40 AM
RE:Form value dissappear after click on the paging to next page

The mentioned behavior is normal – it is caused by new page load. You could store the value of text box in a variable in the code behind.

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova