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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Repeater and Relationships NodGuid. Can't use Macro to pass a guid View modes: 
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christophe - 4/24/2009 2:35:41 AM
Repeater and Relationships NodGuid. Can't use Macro to pass a guid
When using the out of the box repeater, it's seems imposible to pass a guid using Macro in the Relationship section. ("Display documents related to the document with NodeGUID")

When I put :
I get the folowing error message :
Please enter some Guid.

Sound like a bug to me, as pretty much everything else in this control is macro capable.


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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 4/29/2009 8:28:18 AM
RE:Repeater and Relationships NodGuid. Can't use Macro to pass a guid
Hi Christophe,

this is actually by-design behavior - macros are not natively supported for this field. You could eventually manually modify the IsValid() method of ~\CMSFormControls\RelationshipConfiguration.ascx(.cs) form control to omit validation of the field.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek