Portal Engine Questions on portal engine and web parts.
Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Combining Portal and aspx pages View modes: 
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gauravsingla1985-yahoo.co - 5/11/2009 1:28:24 AM
Combining Portal and aspx pages
The information given in the developer's guide for combining portal and aspx pages
is not in detail.
Kindly can anybody provide me detailed information with example about this topic.
thanks in advance

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zhaojicheng-artmtech - 5/11/2009 11:13:30 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
Now, you delete the content of the original portal engine master page and place only the following web parts into the master page:

• General/User control web part displaying the Header.ascx user control

• Page placeholder web part

• General/User control web part displaying the Footer.ascx user control

In the ASPX master page (.master file), you simply put:

• the Header.ascx user control

• the ContentPlaceHolder control

• the Footer.ascx user control

In this way, you ensure that you manage the header and footer in a single place for both portal engine and ASPX master page.

it is very clear

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gauravsingla1985-yahoo.co - 5/11/2009 11:26:12 PM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
Thanks for your reply dude.

I have tried doing it.

In my Header.ascx user control, there is an editable image user control ,menu and search box control.
but i have a problem.
When i paste an image in portal master page and save it, it is not updated into aspx pages that are using aspx master page using the same user controls.
I have to manually set image on aspx page.
Is it possible to set image only on the portal master page and aspx pages are also updated??
waiting for your answer.

Thank you very much

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zhaojicheng-artmtech - 5/12/2009 6:07:22 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
No you cannt.
but you can change the aspx template.then the portal engine will be changed.In turn, can not.
so in this case you should change the aspx template. header.ascx footer.ascx

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zhaojicheng-artmtech - 5/12/2009 6:53:58 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
are you created two master?

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Gaurav - 5/13/2009 2:23:04 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
First of all thank you for your quick replies.
i created two master pages, One for portal pages and other for aspx pages.
I have tried doing what you have said above.
Even when i set image on aspx page, It is not updated on portal pages.
rest other things are working fine.
I have problem only in case of editable image which is in header.ascx.
even i have to set that image on all aspx pages that uses the master page having header.ascx,content placeholder and footer.ascx.

In the case of portal pages, if i set image on portal master page, all the portal pages gets updated.

Do this problem have any alternative solution?

i am thinking of hardcoding the image in header.ascx but that is not my requirement.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_helenag - 5/14/2009 7:18:50 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages

You could add this work around code to your ASPX master page – it loads the content of Editable image from the Portal engine master page:

CMS.PortalEngine.PageInfo pi = CMS.PortalEngine.PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo("<siteCodeName>", "/", "en-us", "/", true);
if (pi != null)
this.<id of editable image control>.LoadContent(pi);

Best regards,
Helena Grulichova

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Gaurav - 5/18/2009 12:13:49 AM
RE:Combining Portal and aspx pages
Thank you very much Helena.
After making some small modification, I was able to have same image on both portal and aspx pages.
Your code worked like a magic for me.
Again thanks for your help.