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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > How do i enable the contact feature? View modes: 
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daniel_1-live.com - 4/27/2009 11:16:35 PM
How do i enable the contact feature?
Is it through bizform? Though i did take a look at but still not sure how to go about it.

Fyi what i want is baiscally to add my email so that other's could contact me by email

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_ondrejv - 4/29/2009 9:29:40 AM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?

You can achieve your goal by setting BizForm's notification e-mail. Please see more info here: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/sending_e_mails.htm

Best regards
Ondrej Vasil

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daniel_1-live.com - 4/29/2009 9:18:58 PM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?
I follow the step from the link and when i try saving after making changes i got the following "Please enter a valid e-mail from address or macro"

As far as i know i've already change the default email to my own email under user>global administrator>user tab

Hmm do i need to add anything on the general table layout section or insert label or value under available field. Pls kindly advise

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/13/2009 10:01:09 AM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?
Hi Daniel,

this error is related only to form on current page. Could you please make sure you have entered correct e-mail address or appropriate macro into 'From e-mail' and 'To e-mail' fields?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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daniel_1-live.com - 5/3/2009 11:24:20 PM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?
I follow the link/guide which u provided but still no go, fyi when i try to create a new form using the following Form display name: Event registration, form code name: eventregistration, table name: form_registration

I got the following error instead "Please enter form code name in identificator format without spaces and special characters" though i did ensure there's no spaces and special character but still no go

Hmm where could i have gone wrong?? Anyone care to advise??

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/13/2009 10:04:58 AM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?
Hi Daniel,

Could you please make sure there are no spaces before and after the text in 'code name' field especially if you have copied & pasted it from documentation?

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek

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daniel_1-live.com - 5/13/2009 10:07:28 AM
RE:How do i enable the contact feature?
It has already been resolved, btw tks for replying