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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > user adds data to custom table and/or display bizform data to user View modes: 
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neil-fourmangos - 5/25/2009 3:49:28 PM
user adds data to custom table and/or display bizform data to user
Hi everyone.

I need users to add data to the system (custom tables preferably) that's not part of the user table or the registration table.

Then I need that data to be displayed to the user.

I can see how a user can see custom table data
I can see how a user can add data through a bizform

But there's not a connection between the two...correct? Is there a way to have a user add data to a custom table that can also be displayed?

I don't need post display data (like what someone just submitted) - I need historical data. A user enters information for 7 days and at the end of those 7 days - the user can see all of the entries in a chart.

Displaying seems fairly straight forward - it's the data entry that I'm suffering with.


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neil-fourmangos - 6/1/2009 7:27:42 PM
RE:user adds data to custom table and/or display bizform data to user
Hi - so I think I have a work around....(it's a bit duct tape) but I could write a sproc that would post the data after each transaction into a corresponding custom table but that's not a favorite.

Can one "hack" into the meta tables and just point a built bizform into a custom form? I'm assuming we can yes? Or are there other views that are created when bizforms are created and a sproc would be safer. Just curious.

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 6/3/2009 5:34:01 AM
RE:user adds data to custom table and/or display bizform data to user
Hi Neil,

You could eventually develop custom user control or web part to allow user to enter data into custom table. Then you can use e.g. repeater with custom query to display data from it. You can also use repeater with custom query to display data from BizForms (so you can enter data using BizForms).

You could also ensure this using User contributions module - you can create custom document types with the fields you need and then user can add new documents (records) and display or even modify them anytime later.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek