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Version 4.x > Portal Engine > Sign out button (web part) - how to show "Sign in" ?? View modes: 
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mark-markscott - 5/16/2009 10:41:16 AM
Sign out button (web part) - how to show "Sign in" ??
Using the "Personal" site as a starting point, I notice that there is a "Sign out button" wep part control on the page. This control has a "Sign in button settings" section where you can specifiy things such as the "Button text for sign in" and such.

Seeing this led me to believe that if the user was not logged in, that they would see the sign in link (or button). However, this is not the case. What's the magic here? I would think that this would be a pretty straight forward thing - to so the "sign in" link if the user is not authenticated - yet when I sign out - nothing. No "sign in" link at all shows up.

What's the secret here?

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Kentico Developer
Kentico Developer
kentico_martind - 5/25/2009 9:06:31 AM
RE:Sign out button (web part) - how to show "Sign in" ??
Hi Mark,

You need to set 'Show only when authenticated' property of this web part to false in order to 'sign in' link to be displayed when user is not authenticated.

Best Regards,

Martin Dobsicek